Call of duty 3 wii
Call of duty 3 wii

call of duty 3 wii

  • Light Assault - Armed with a submachine gun, a pistol, grenades able to plant mines.
  • Rifleman - Armed with a rifle, a pistol, and able to mount grenades onto the gun muzzle.
  • Scout - Armed with a sniper rifle and pistol able to call in artillery strikes on enemy positions when enough time has passed.
  • There were also vehicles including tanks, cars, and motorcycles, which was a new feature for a Call of Duty game in multiplayer. All of the Single Player maps were available in multiplayer, through one form or another. Headquarters is when a radio spawns randomly at a map and the team who captures the radio makes a base there and protects the base, the opposite team has to try to take down the base, you get 1 point for every second you hold the base, usually the first with 300 points wins the match. Single Capture the flag is the flag spawning at the center of the match and you must take the flag to the enemy's base. Battle is your traditional death match, Team Battle is basically Team death match, War is when there are flags all over a map and you must take control of each flag before going onto the next flag, capture the flag is when you basically try to capture the enemies' flag and bring it to your own base. The game modes are Battle, Team Battle, War, Capture-the-Flag (CTF), Single CTF, and Headquarters. Call of Duty 3 featured class based multiplayer.
  • Chapter 14: Chambois - American MissionĬall of Duty was more well known for its multiplayer, rather than the Single Player.
  • Chapter 12: The Corridor of Death - Canadian Mission.
  • Chapter 10: The Crossroads - American Mission.
  • Chapter 9: Laison River - Canadian Mission.
  • Chapter 8: The Forest - American Mission.
  • Chapter 7: The Black Baron - Polish Mission.
  • Chapter 6: Fuel Plant - British Mission.
  • Chapter 5: Falaise Road - Canadian Mission.
  • call of duty 3 wii

    Chapter 4: Mayenne Bridge - American Mission.Chapter 3: Night Drop - British Mission.Chapter 2: The Island - American Mission.All together, these 4 campaigns span across 14 chapters: The plot of the game is the liberation of France from German forces and the story of soldiers from the different playable factions. The Americans attack from the north while the British, Canadian, and Polish forces attack from the south.

    call of duty 3 wii

    Single PlayerĬall of Duty 3 features a World War II FPS based campaign in which you play in four factions, there's the American campaign, British campaign, Canadian campaign, and the Polish Campaign. The Xbox 360 version was later made backwards compatible with the Xbox One on September 22, 2016.


    Unlike previous entries in the series, the game's story is focused on a single World War II campaign (namely the liberation of France from Nazi forces) as told through numerous Allied factions (including the US, British, Canadian, and Polish armies).Īll versions of the game, with the exception of the Wii version, feature online multiplayer for 16 players (32 in the 360 and PS3 versions).


    The only main Call of Duty installment to not receive a release on the PC, Call of Duty 3 is the third main game in the series (and the first main game that is developed by Treyarch). It was later released for the PlayStation 3 and Wii on November 14, 2006. Call of Duty 3 is a historical-military first-person shooter developed by Treyarch and published by Activision for the Xbox 360, Xbox, and PlayStation 2 on November 7, 2006.

    Call of duty 3 wii